The Tennessee Professional Screening Questionnaire,
or TN-PSQ, is a free voluntary, confidential, completely anonymous mental health self-screening tool.
This is a NON-crisis service that will result in referrals to appropriate mental health resources and optional interaction with a program counselor. If you are currently in crisis, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988, or the Tennessee Statewide Crisis Line at 855-274-7471.
This tool is intended for licensed health professionals served
by the TMF Physician’s Health Program and through a cooperative agreement, the Tennessee Pharmacy Recovery Network, which include:
- Physicians – MDs and DOs
- Physician Assistants
- Pharmacists
- Optometrists
- Podiatrists
- Veterinarians
- Chiropractors
- X-Ray Technicians
- Surgical Assistants
- Clinical Perfusionists
- Midwives
- Residents, interns, and/or students of all above professions
For outcomes data on the TN-PSQ, see our 2022 Annual Report.